The BCDCOG, in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), is responsible  for carrying out the rural transportation planning process for the non-urbanized portions of the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester region. As part of the planning process the COG is responsible for developing, maintaining, and implementing the following planning products.

Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

The Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a comprehensive  planning document that defines the overarching goals for transportation in our rural communities, establishes existing and future transportation needs, and sets priorities for much needed transportation improvements and investments in our region. The Rural LRTP is a multimodal plan that focuses on highways, roads, bridges, freight mobility, transit facilities and service, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and related enhancement needs. The Plan is required to have a planning horizon of at least 20-years and has to be updated every 5-years to reflect changing conditions and priorities.

Rural Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP)

The Rural Transportation Improvement Progam (RTIP) outlines the planning objectives, priority status and funding source for all projects scheduled for construction over a ten-year period.  The TIP is submitted to SCDOT for approval and inclusion in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP contains an accounting of federal highway funds approved by the SCDOT Commission for roadway improvements as well as federal transit funding allocations.

Rural Planning Work Program (RPWP)

The Rural Planning Work Program (RPWP) describes the transportation and comprehensive planning activities undertaken by BCDCOG during the two consecutive fiscal years referenced in the program. Tasks identified in the RPWP include planning for transportation projects in the rural portions of the region, coordination of human service transit activities, and coordination of projects with the other transportation partners in the region. The RPWP is biennial and is approved by the BCDCOG Board of Directors every two years.



The Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) is in the process of updating the Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan (BCD 2045 RLRTP). This 20-year multimodal transportation plan will cover a planning horizon of 2025-2045 and will serve to identify and address long-term transportation issues and needs that impact the rural communities in the tri-county region.

Planning Area

The Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan will cover the non-urbanized portions of our tri-county region within the BCD rural planning area. Focus will be placed on areas in and around Awendaw, Bonneau, Harleyville, Hollywood, Jamestown, McClellanville, Meggett, Ravenel, Reevesville, St. George, and St. Stephen.



Get Invloved!

Members of the public are invited to be part of the discussions to help shape the future of transportation in our region.  Join us at one of our upcoming community open houses to learn more about the plan update and provide input into its development.

You can also provide input by clicking the button below and taking our online survey.

Upcoming Public Open Houses

Click links for location, time and date

Rural Planning Area Map