As one of South Carolina’s 10 Regional Planning Councils, the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments’ primary objectives are to assist local governments develop local and regional plans within the tri-county region, as well as providing local governments with planning and technical support to improve the quality of life in the region.

Local governments in Berkeley and Charleston counties first created a Regional Planning Commission in 1968 to encourage a regional approach to local dilemmas. Dorchester County governments elected to join the group three years later. The organization changed in 1976 to the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG).

The BCDCOG’s by-laws call for a governing board of 57 members, all of whom are appointed by local governments within the three-county region. This board, led by an Executive Committee, sets policy and provides direction to the programs of the Council of Governments.

The Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) is a voluntary association of, by and for local governments, and was established to assist local governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit, and coordinating for sound regional development. BCDCOG’s purpose is to strengthen both the individual and collective power of local governments and to help them recognize regional opportunities, eliminate unnecessary duplication, and make joint decisions.

BCDCOG serves a 3-county region of South Carolina. BCDCOG has 30 member governments.The COG’s board of directors provides a forum for local leaders to find common goals and determine a course for the entire region.

What is the BCD Council of Governments?

The BCD Council of Governments is a regional agency which serves a three-county area in South Carolina. BCDCOG offers a wide variety of planning, economic development and social services in order to aid in the orderly growth and development of the area.

What areas comprise the BCD Council of Governments?

BCDCOG encompasses the counties of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester, and the municipalities located within those counties.

Are there other councils of governments similar to BCD Council of Governments in South Carolina?

Created in 1968, BCD Council of Governments is one of 10 such regional agencies in the state, together making up the SC Association of Regional Councils.

Where is the BCD Council of Governments located?

The BCD Council of Governments is located at 5790 Casper Padgett Way, North Charleston, SC 29406. BCDCOG also operates three SC Works offices throughout the tri-county area. The Berkeley County SC Works office is located at 325 E. Main St. in Moncks Corner. The Charleston County SC Works office is located at 1930 Hanahan Road, Suite 100, North Charleston. The Dorchester County SC Works office is located at 1325 Boonehill Rd, Suite #A in Summerville.

How can I contact the BCD Council of Governments?

The BCD Council of Governments main office number is (843) 529-0400. The fax number is (843) 529-0305. To contact staff directly, please see our Staff Directory.

Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of the Berkeley Charleston Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) to comply with all federal and state authorities requiring nondiscrimination including, but not limited to, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Age Discrimination Act of 1973 and Executive Orders 12898 (Environmental Justice) and 13166 (Limited English Proficiency) and any amendments thereto.

Thus the BCDCOG does not and will not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject anyone to discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability or income.

The Berkeley Charleston Dorchester Council of Governments operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice may file a complaint with BCDCOG.

For more information on BCDCOG’s Discrimination Policy and the procedures to file a complaint, contact the Title VI Coordinator or Designee at (843) 529-0400; email RobinM@bcdcog.com; or write to the Title VI Coordinator at 5790 Casper Padgett way, North Charleston, SC 29406. For more information visit the Title VI section of our website at www.BCDCOG.com.