Water Quality
The BCDCOG maintains the Areawide 208 Water Quality Management Plan. The principal objective of the Section 208 program is to maintain and improve water quality as it relates to the classification of surface waters in the BCD Region. Through an on-going agreement with DHEC, the Section 208 Program Coordinator reviews all wastewater permit applications in the BCD Region to ensure that they are consistent with goals of the BCD Region Section 208 Water Quality Management Plan.
The BCDCOG’s role is to help carry out the goals of the Clean Water Act and integrate federal, state, and local interest. This integration is achieved through the preparation of the 208 Water Quality Management Plan and the review of all permit applications concerning wastewater treatment. Industries, developers and local governments must submit facilities plans and preliminary engineering information to the COG before altering discharges or installing sewer lines. The COG’s approval must be attained before DHEC will permit a project. To be permitted, projects must meet state and federal guidelines and be in conformance with the Regional Water Quality Management Plan.
Documents & Downloads
Amendment to the 208 Regional Water Quality Management Plan
208 Water Quality Management Plan — Volume 1
208 Water Quality Management Plan — Volume 2
208 Certification Form (Sewer)
208 Certification Form (Septic)
FAQ’s of the 208 Water Quality Clarification Process for Sewer Permits
FAQ’s of the 208 Water Quality Clarification Process for Septic Permits
Trident Groundwater Management Plan
Mt. Pleasant Waterworks PER
Staff Contacts
Kristin Miguez
Senior Planner
(843) 529-2589
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