Regional Transit Framework Plan


Where will transit take you? The Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) is working to answer that question by developing a long range vision for transit throughout the region. Together with the Long Range Transportation Plan, the Regional Transit Framework Plan has set the foundation for transit investment as part of the overall multi-modal transportation system. The eight month study took a look at how we travel across the region and where current and future development patterns are favorable to high-capacity transit services. Throughout the process, there were opportunities for the public to provide input at public events, online meetings, a transit-focused charrette, and a public open house.

The Regional Transit Framework Plan will:

  • Encourage community and stakeholder engagement
  • Identify the regions transit needs and ideals.
  • Incorporate existing regional plans and priorities.
  • Prioritize transit improvements and solutions.

Do you have a recommendation for transit in our region? Would you like to be added to our email list for more information? Send us an email.

Study Area

Project Timeline


Past Events

  • A Public Open House was held on June 6th. Click here to view a map of the promising corridors moving forward for further evaluation.
  • A public open house and online meeting was held from January 29th to February 27, 2018 to review the transit corridors and potential modes for consideration.