
RAVENEL, S.C. (May 24, 2019) The Town of Ravenel has launched the 10-year update of its comprehensive plan and is seeking public input from residents and property owners.

The comprehensive plan is a state-mandated document that provides the framework for elected officials, appointed officials and staff to implement policies that realize the community’s vision.

The plan will address nine key elements essential to the town: population changes, economics, cultural resources, natural resources, community facilities, housing needs, land use, transportation and priority investments.

A comprehensive plan provides a roadmap for the future of the town that is developed by the community as a whole, Ravenel Mayor Opal Baldwin said. The planning process invites meaningful dialogue to develop a shared community vision for all of Ravenel.

The town will host its first public open house on Wednesday, May 29 at the Ravenel Community Hall from 4-7:30 p.m.

Invitations to attend the public open house have been mailed to all residents and property owners. Other opportunities to provide input to the planning commission, leading this initiative, include a one-stop project webpage that provides up-to-date information on the plan and allows for 24/7 input at http://bcdcog.com/special-projects/ravenel_comp_2019/

The Town has retained the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester-Council of Governments to provide technical and long-range planning expertise in the development and writing of its Comprehensive Plan update, in coordination with Town staff and the Planning Commission.