Vanpooling – Start Today!

Whether you’re interest in joining an existing vanpool, have a small group all set to start a new vanpool, or looking for others ready to form a vanpool, the process is easy!

If you’re interested in vanpooling you can start one without going through your employer. However, Vanpool Programs can be administered through your company or organization, allowing the employer to be fully involved. Talk with your HR Director to see if it’s possible! HR can contact BCDCOG Vanpool Coordinator to discuss options.

Register for free at and create an account or contact the Vanpool Coordinator directly at or call 843-529-6286. You can also search for Lowcountry Go in the app store!

Currently offering an intro rate of $30 per person per month! For only $30/mo, you could save up to 50%-80% on commuting costs! BCDCOG take of the major costs of the van and offers reimbursements for some other costs. There is refundable security deposit and once there are at least two qualified drivers and agreements have been signed, you will be on your way to commuting at a low cost!

Minimum requirement for a vanpool is four people. We tailor each vanpool to the needs of the participants. Each vanpool group must have a common start location and end destination with similar schedules.

Riding in a vanpool saves you month in fuel and personal vehicle wear and tear, reduces stress of dealing with stop and go traffic and helps the environment. In addition to the commuting savings, there are federal tax incentives that are available to vanpool passengers. View the IRS Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits for more information. The tax incentive is available to employers too. Your employer may choose to offer the program to their employees for the tax incentives or to reduce the need for employee parking.

Try the app!  Google Play  |  App Store

Lowcountry Go offers a web app at and a mobile app, Lowcountry Go, that provides an interactive dashboard for commuters to identify an improved commute through joining or starting carpools and vanpools, transit routes, and bike and walk options.

Get going with our web app,, or download our mobile app Lowcountry Go, which gets you from point A to B and everywhere in between. Lowcountry Go offers sustainable commute options and connects you with other commuters in the region based on origin, destination, time, date, or events.