The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) requests comments from the public on the plan for redistribution of federal and state carry-forward transit funding. The SCDOT Commission approved an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed funding redistribution plan during its March 16, 2023, meeting.

The public has the opportunity to comment on the action to amend the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) to include the proposed transit projects. SCDOT will receive public comment for a 21-day period from March 17, 2023 through April 6, 2023.

The funding redistribution plan has three components:

  • Statewide Transit Asset Management Needs: Allocate funding towards statewide vehicle replacement based on the statewide Transit Asset Management Plan
  • Large Urban Facility Needs: Allocate funding towards urban facility needs of large urban transit systems
  • State Mass Transit Funding: Allocate a portion of the annual State Mass Transit Funding on a tiered basis towards match requirements for small urban and rural transit systems, and allocate carry forward federal funding towards the four (4) large urbanized areas, in exchange for redistribution of their annual state mass transit funding to small urban and rural transit systems for up to three years

A summary of substantive comments will be available to the Commission. Pending no substantive comments, the project(s) will be added to a subsequent version of the STIP.

A copy of this press release, along with a copy of the funding distribution plan, is available for public review and online comments through April 6, 2023.

A hardcopy is available for review at:


5790 Casper Padgett Way

North Charleston, 29406

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