
The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) requests public comments on the proposed 2023-2024 Pavement Improvement Program to be added to the 2021-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The SCDOT Commission approved an opportunity for the public to provide comment on the recommended ranked pavement improvement project list during its May 18, 2023 meeting.

The proposed 2023-2024 Pavement Improvement Program includes the reconstruction and rehabilitation of 877 miles of the Farm to Market Secondaries, and Neighborhood Streets. The projects recommended for the proposed 2023-2024 Pavement Improvement Program were selected utilizing ranking processes that are based on objective and quantifiable factors that comply with the Ten-Year Plan, support the performance targets established in the Transportation Asset Management Plan and utilize a county by county distribution of paving funds in order to ensure that every county of the state is guaranteed paving funds.

The public may comment on the action to amend the STIP to include the proposed 2023-2024 Pavement Improvement Program. SCDOT will receive public comments for a 21- day period from May 19, 2023 through June 8, 2023.

A summary of substantive comments will be available to the Commission. Pending no substantive comments, the projects will be added to a subsequent STIP version.

A copy of this press release, along with a copy of the location map, is available for public review and comment online through June 8, 2023.

SCDOT Requests Public Comment on the Proposed 2023-2024 Pavement Improvement Program English & Spanish

A hardcopy is available for review at:

5790 Casper Padgett Way
North Charleston, SC 29406

To leave a comment online:
