The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) proposes to replace the S-390  (Toogoodoo Rd) bridge over Swinton Creek in Charleston County. 

The project includes replacing the existing bridge structure and constructing the roadway to meet current design and safety standards. The existing S-390 facility is comprised of two, 12-foot travel lanes with approximately 2-foot paved shoulders. The proposed bridge section will provide two, 12-foot travel lanes with 8-foot paved shoulders; the proposed roadway section will provide two, 12-foot  travel lanes with 2-foot paved and 6-foot grassed shoulders.

The purpose of the project is to correct structural deficiencies of the existing S-390 bridge over Swinton Creek.

**Structurally Deficient is a status used to describe a bridge that has one or more structural defects that require attention.  This status does not mean the bridge is unsafe for vehicle traffic.**

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There will not be a public meeting for this project but public comment is welcomed. You can find more information here:

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