NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (July 23, 2019)SC Works Trident took a leap forward in the digital age by introducing new technology to its three work centers Tuesday.

The new tech came in the form of iPads and new desktop computer workstations, adding increased capabilities for the centers servicing the under and unemployed.

This is a huge step forward for our support teams at the work centers and most importantly, the job seekers walking through our doors each day, needing an effective, efficient way of finding employment, said Sharon Goss, the SC Works workforce development administrator. The SC Works Trident mission is to connect job seekers with employers, and by updating and expanding our digital capabilities, we can better serve the individuals looking to gain employment and the employer partners developing and maintaining a qualified workforce.


A key piece to the improvements was the introduction of iPads for the first time in SC Works buildings.

Goss said that the iPads, known as VOS greeters, Virtual OneStop, are virtual check-in systems, which will help streamline the process of connecting work center visitors with the appropriate staff.

The greeters will replace paper sign-in sheets and allow fast, digital routing of the visitor’s support request. Staff members are immediately notified, allowing them to begin servicing the visitor as soon as the request is submitted.

Other key system advantages are the ability for visitors to specify their service needs, staff appointment arrival notifications and important reporting on wait times, most common visit reasons or number of visitors. This information carries significant value as staff will look to use the metrics to analyze effectiveness and how they can better serve job seekers, Goss said.

In addition to the VOS greeter upgrades, SC Works Trident work centers have been using outdated computers for a number of years, which were upgraded as well.


Between the Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester offices, support staff can service more than 135 people daily, so overall, upgrading the existing tech was a high priority, said Deidre Smalls, the SC Works One-Stop manager.

Smalls said that the overall employment landscape in the Trident Workforce Development Region includes 11,360 unemployed with nearly 18,000 job openings, so providing the best avenues to available employment opportunities is a critical factor in lowering, even more, the regions current 2.9% unemployment rate.

We help create pathways to employment in our regions leading industries, so we’re always looking for the most efficient methods to help bridge the gap between the unemployed, underemployed and the workforce in need of specific, critical skill sets, Goss said. SC Works Trident is a demand-driven, industry-based workforce solution, and we’re moving forward in the digital age, better preparing ourselves to serve our community.