Berkeley County Government, in partnership with the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDOG), is updating the hazard mitigation plan (HMP) for the county and its municipalities.

During the final in a series of meetings held countywide, public input will be accepted on both current and draft strategies to include for the county and each municipality. Following a short presentation, the project team will be available to answer questions about the plan and identified hazards.

 WHERE:  Daniel Island Library, 2301 Daniel Island Drive

 WHEN: Thursday, March 5 at 6 p.m.


Additionally, residents are encouraged to take an online survey to help identify the biggest hazard concerns in the Berkeley County and work toward a solution.  The survey is available at


Individuals who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or those who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Michelle Emerson at or (843) 529-2578.

Si usted necesita la ayuda de un traductor del idioma español, por favor comuníquese con la Michelle Emerson al teléfono (843) 529-2578 cuando menos 48 horas antes de la junta.


Daniel Brock
(919) 820-2612

Marquel Coaxum
Rawle Murdy Associates
(843) 475-4208