The public is hereby advised that a public hearing will be offered by the Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) and the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) at the CARTA Superstop at 2101 Cosgrove Ave, North Charleston, 29405.  The purpose of the hearing is the consideration of increased frequency of Route 32-North Bridge between North Charleston and West Ashley, seven days a week starting in fall 2021. 

Interested parties are invited to express their views. 

Date: Monday, 08/30/21

Time: 11 am – 12:30 pm

Those unable to attend in person can do so online via Zoom at:

Those who find it necessary to meet in person, staff will be available during the times listed above at the Superstop. Masks are required. Individuals can also submit comments and questions prior to the meeting to and include Rt. 32 in the subject line.

For any additional questions please call (843) 529-0400.

Questions or concerns should be addressed to: Jon Dodson, Senior Transit Planner