LCRT Update

The Lowcountry Rapid Transit project team is kicking off Phase 2, which includes advancing LCRT through the Project Development phase of the Federal Transit Administration’s Capital Investment Grants (CIG) Program.

At the end of Phase 1, the project team identified 12 reasonable alternatives. The next steps are to advance environmental and technical studies and gather public input to identify a preferred alternative for LCRT while completing environmental documentation for the project. Communication with stakeholders is a critical part of the project, and the project team will continue to implement a robust strategy that promotes multi-level engagement to present findings and take input on the LCRT system from the local community and stakeholders.

TOD Update

The Transit Oriented Development plan for the LCRT project is continuing work on a market assessment to understand what development potential lies along the corridor. Station locations will be determined following the market assessment’s finalization. Once station locations are determined, local “station area plans” will be developed with the communities that the stations serve.