
Welcome and thank you for viewing this recording of the recent virtual public meeting.

The BCDCOG has been engaged to assist City staff and the Planning Commission in developing an updated comprehensive plan.
Our hope is that after viewing this, you will take time to fill out the survey located here: Hanahan 2040 Survey
to share what you think the City’s strengths, challenges and opportunities are for the future of Hanahan.

Meeting Boards: A Closer Look

Demographic Snapshot



  • Hanahan has been growing steadily over the past decade.
  • Much of this is due to development of the subdivisions in Tanner Plantation
  • Hanahan is also projected by the state to keep growing, almost doubling in size in the next 20 years.
  • The information on this slide also shows you how the age, race and incomes of residents have changed.
  • Note that the majority of housing is single family detached, which is getting progressively more expensive, and owner occupied.
  • And while those values/costs are increasing, the median HH income is changing very little yet it is still higher than surrounding jurisdictions and the county as a whole.
Demographic Snapshot (Continued)



  • The City’s Labor Force – those residents actively working or seeking employment, is relatively stable and unemployment as of 2019 was very low.
  • While this data is pre-pandemic, the region as a whole has returned to a very low unemployment rate.
  • There has been a shift in occupations towards management and professional jobs, with decreases sales and manufacturing occupations.
  • Incomes as a whole are increasing/shifting towards higher paying jobs
  • Residents work throughout the region and beyond so as the region has grown, the length of the average commute has increased slightly.
Cultural and Natural Resources



  • Hanahan’s sense of community is impressive and strong.
  • Tied to a sense of community are cultural and natural resources
  • The latter provide recreational opportunities, as well as challenges



  • Transportation and traffic are always one of the biggest concerns looking at the future.
  • Unfortunately – even building all the road improvement projects currently proposed (some without funding), traffic in Hanahan and the region will continue to be an issue
Parks and Transit



  • There are other means of transportation that can help alleviate traffic concerns
  • Providing a system of trails and sidewalks that connect with one another and provide access to parks has been a goal of the City’s for decades and continues to be a priority.
  • There are limited resources to fund these improvements so the system has to evolve incrementally with new development
  • Both the rural and urban transit providers in our region, serve areas of Hanahan
  • These services will provide connections with the proposed Lowcountry Rapid Transit (BRT) project along Rivers, expected to open in 2026
Land Uses



  • A key component of a comprehensive plan is to identify where areas should grow and what kind of development should go where.
  • The Future Land Use map will identify where residents want to see new housing located and what kind?  Should housing be collocated with stores and shops? Do you want industry behind your subdivision?
  • Now is the time to provide this input because the future land use plan directs the zoning designation for different areas.
  • The top left map shows existing land uses (per the County assessor’s database)
  • The lower left map shows what the community envisioned in 2012 for FUTURE land uses
  • At the end of the survey, feel free to note where you see higher density residential or new employment uses being developed or what you want to see more of in the future



  • The point of a comprehensive plan is to imagine the possibilities.
  • Starting with the 2002 Comprehensive Plan, the City began investing in improvements along Yeamans Hall with a goal of revitalizing the Town’s center.
  • A number of the streetscape improvements shown here have been constructed in recent years, improving the experience of walking or driving in this part of the City



  • In addition to the Town Center redevelopment, other priority investments identified in the 2012 plan have been implemented.
  • In particular, the Town has made recent investments in recreation facilities
  • What other investments should be the City’s priorities?
    Attendees at meetings this past week have suggested things like:
    • Boat ramps
    • Basketball courts
    • A community Event Venue
    • Attracting more businesses
  • Feel free to note on the survey what you think should be identified as priorities in this (2040) plan update.