CARTA-REVISED-Agenda Packet 6 14 23
*Please note this meeting will be held on a Tuesday this month BCDCOG Board of Directors-REVISED-Agenda Packet 6 202023
CHATS Study Team Agenda Packet 7 7 2023
PerformanceReviewCommitteeAgendaPacket-07.11.23 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 835 0491 0635 Passcode: 613401 One tap mobile +1-305-224-1968 +1-309-205-3325
YAC Agenda Packet 07 11 2023 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 893 7695 5441 Passcode: 396430 One tap mobile +19292056099 US (New York) +13017158592 US (Washington DC)
This event is running from 31 January 2023 until 10 October 2023. It is next occurring on May 9, 2023 11:30 am PerformanceReviewCommittee-AGENDA PACKET-03.21.23
Disability Committee Agenda Packet-7.18.2023 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 842 2274 9844 Passcode: 441179 One tap mobile +13017158592 US (Washington DC)
One-Stop Agenda Packet 07.18.2023One-Stop Agenda Packet 07.18.2023 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 843 3262 9180 Passcode: 992591 One tap mobile +13092053325 +13126266799
MAC Group Agenda Packet 7.28.23