Transit and Bus Stop Design Guidelines (2021)

This document is a tool to help the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG), Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA), and TriCounty Link (TCL), and regional partners deliver transportation choices that link people, jobs, and community conveniently, consistently, and safely. The intent of the Guidelines is to facilitate the proper siting, design, installation, and maintenance of either existing or proposed bus stops throughout the Region. The information in these Guidelines will be of use to anyone involved in the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and/or use of bus stops: community members, transit staff, planners at the municipal, county, and state level, and developers and private landowners.

CARTA Bus Stop Design Guidelines Full Document

Guideline Sections

1.) Introduction
2.) Bus Stop Spacing and Placement
3.) Bus Stop Configurations
4.) Bus Stop Typologies
5.) Bus Stop Amenities
6.) Bus Stop Modifications
7.) Operational Considerations
8.) Implementation


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