One Berkeley

Comprehensive Plan

Rich History. Bright Future.
One Berkeley.

The next 10 years are poised to be Berkeley County’s most important decade. We need your help to shape the future.

One Berkeley

Comprehensive Plan

Rich History. Bright Future. One Berkeley.

 The next 10 years are poised to be Berkeley County’s most important decade. We need your help to shape the future.



What is the


Comprehensive Plan?

As a comprehensive plan, One Berkeley will provide a blueprint for the future. Developed by the Planning Commission through a public process, then adopted by County Council, One Berkeley will document the community’s vision and provide a roadmap to get there.

One Berkeley and other comp plans, as required by the State of South Carolina, are reviewed and validated every five years and fully updated every ten years. The 2010 Berkeley County Comprehensive Plan and the 2015 Review are available here.

What a Comp Plan Does & Doesn’t Do?

Comprehensive plans like ONE BERKELEY provide a framework of goals, along with policies and implementation strategies to achieve those goals. These are identified through a public process involving residents, businesses and property owners. While the Plan provides goals and policy recommendations for how the County should develop in the future, it is not regulatory. Incorporated municipalities within the County have their own individual comprehensive plans.


Click the graphic to enlarge it 



& Key Elements

Berkeley County is roughly the size of Rhode Island (!). To frame how One Berkeley can evaluate how specific areas have changed, the County has been segmented into five geographic regions. These areas represent a combination of census tracts to assist with providing data that creates a picture of where changes have occurred and are projected.

ONE Berkeley address 9 key elements

  • Population
  • Housing
  • Economic Development
  • Natural Resources
  • Cultural Resources
  • Population
  • Housing
  • Economic Development
  • Natural Resources
  • Cultural Resources
  • Community Facilities
  • Transportation
  • Land Use
  • Priority Investments
  • Community Facilities
  • Transportation
  • Land Use
  • Priority Investments
  • Resiliency



Rich History. Bright Future.

ONE BERKELEY offers the opportunity to capture Berkeley County’s history, compare recent demographic trends to historical data, anticipate growth and formulate a shared community vision for the county’s future.

Your Voice for the Future.

A shared community vision can only be developed through meaningful public participation. Voicing your thoughts – virtually or in-person – as the county embarks on this community-wide conversation is a vital and valuable contribution to the County’s future.


What is the


Although every Comprehensive Plan addresses each of the nine elements, the planning process used is unique to each community. One Berkeley will be developed using a Scenario Planning process, giving the community an opportunity to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of different plans for the future, which will be drafted based on public input this fall.
Phase I: Defining Existing Conditions

In late 2020, the One Berkeley Team began collecting data and information on changes in demographics and other conditions since 2010. More importantly, the team worked with agencies that provide critical public services and facilities to document current capacities and anticipated future needs.

Phase II: Establishing a Vision for the Future

In 2021, those ideas were compiled and analyzed. Participant priorities and development trends have been compared with the capacity of existing and planned infrastructure, facilities and services.
In early 2022, the public will have an opportunity to compare how various scenarios achieve the vision and goals that were identified earlier in the process. The input in 2022 will help to inform a preferred vision for Berkeley County’s future.

Phase III: Plan Construction and Refinement

A draft plan integrating goals and strategies that can achieve the preferred vision identified in Phase II will be prepared by the Planning Commission and presented to the public in early 2023. Following a review period, the plan will be presented to County Council for its consideration.




With public input throughout the process, the Planning Commission will guide development of the One Berkeley Comprehensive Plan. County Planners will work with the regional planning agency Berkeley-Charleston-Council of Governments and planning consultant City Explained, Inc. to facilitate the process, compiling data and ideas to develop and evaluate future county Growth Scenarios.